Ellijay Adoption Lawyer

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Ellijay Adoption Attorney

Adoptions are easily the happiest days in court for Teague Law attorneys. Expanding your family is a joyous and celebratory time. Just like any other family law issue, adoptions are all unique. Whether you are needing a step-parent adoption, a private adoption, foster care adoption, or a contested adoption, our experienced adoption attorneys at Teague Law are here to formulate an effective plan on finalizing the new addition to your family.

Adoptions rely heavily on the filing of pleadings and documents with the court, and for this reason, your adoption, whether contested or uncontested is not designed for self-service. Hiring an experienced Georgia Adoption attorney is imperative. Even in uncontested adoptions, the courts rely heavily on statutory requirements and can be very particular regarding the exact language included in your court filings and pleadings. In some situations, a Judge may require a home study or review of the adoptive parent’s financial status to ensure the prospective family is financially capable of supporting their new addition.

A contested adoption occurs when one parent is opposed to the adoption. This can involve a step-parent adoption or a mother who would like to give her baby up for adoption despite a father’s objection to such. No two adoptions are the same and each growing family has an individualized set of needs.

Contact Teague Law today when you are ready to expand your family for a complimentary consultation.

Foster Care Adoption

Foster care adoptions refer to the adoption of a child in the current custody of the Department of Family and Children Services. Foster care adoption can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Foster to Adopt Approach
  2. Adoption of Available Adoptable Child

Foster to Adopt

Many foster families chose to formalize the adoption of their foster child. This occurs only after fostering the child for a period of time prior to the child becoming available for adoption. While this option works for many families, the Foster to Adopt approach can be a risky and lengthy process. Often times birth parents are given several years to work a case plan in order to avoid the termination of their parental rights. Birth parents that are facing what appears to be an imminent termination can many times receive second or third chances from a court in order to continue with their case plan and avoid termination of their parental rights.

This can be a heart-wrenching process for a foster family hoping to adopt their foster child and many times can leave the child in limbo wondering if they will be adopted or returned to their biological parents.

However, there are several advantages of the Foster to Adopt approach. First, foster parents are provided with financial assistance during their time fostering and many families qualify for adoption assistance, which provides funds for legal services required to formalize the adoption. Additionally, families that choose to foster can decide at a future date whether they plan to adopt or whether they wish to solely remain foster parents. Fostering can be extremely emotionally rewarding and gives many families the opportunity to build a strong emotional bond with the child prior to adoption. Once a biological parent’s parental rights are terminated, foster parents are given the first right to adoption, even over other available family members.

DFACS Adoption

Adoption of Available Child from DFACS

Many families are strictly interested in adoption versus fostering and choose to adopt an available child through the department of family and children services (DFACS). DFACS has a listing of all available children ready for adoption, meaning their biological parents’ parental rights have been terminated and their time frame to file an appeal has lapsed.

Adoption through DFACS is much less costly than a private adoption and adoption assistance may still be provided for assistance with legal fees. Additionally, you may be eligible for continued financial assistance if adopting a sibling group of three of more or a child suffering from a disability.

There are thousands of children waiting for an adoptive home in the care of DFACS. Foster adoption can be a wonderful way to add to your family.

Contact Teague Law today for a complimentary consultation regarding your next steps with a Foster or DFACS Adoption.

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