Anatomy of a Car Wreck | Ellijay Car Wreck Attorney

Anatomy of a Car Wreck | Ellijay Car Wreck Attorney

11 step by step guide to what to expect after your car wreck.


Being involved in a car accident is a scary enough – not knowing what comes next, can be even scarier. Not every car accident case is the same, but most cases follow the same general steps and procedures – even if the timeline is not the same.

1. Review our previous article, 7 things you need to do immediately after a car accident, to see the steps you should take before hiring an Attorney.

The following steps, are what you can expect after you have retained an Attorney to represent you:

2. Notice: Your Teague Law, Car Wreck Attorney will notify the at fault driver’s insurance company that you were involved in a car wreck and their insured driver was at fault. We will also notify your insurance company that you were involved in a car wreck and that the other driver was at fault.

3. Request Policy Info: Your Car Wreck Attorney will send a letter containing certain required information and a signed statement to the at fault insurance. This letter will require the insurance company to respond with the policy information for the at fault driver, including the amount and types of coverages available.

4. Treatment: The most important thing you can do to help your case at this point – seek medical care and follow your doctors advice (whatever that is). Hopefully you went to the emergency room after your injury, if not, you have followed up with a primary care provider or urgent care. You should follow the advice of your healthcare provider and it is a good idea for you to make an appointment to follow up with any specialist you should see to help you recover as fully as you can, as quickly as you can.

5. Collect Medical Records: While you are receiving treatment from your medical team to help you recover from your Car Wreck, your Attorney will be in touch with your medical team to get copies of all of your records.

6. Compile documents and invoices: You should be keeping a log of every doctors visit – the mileage to drive there and back, any time required off from work, and invoices for any payments you make on the same; a log of all your prescriptions and receipts for your expense; and a detained log of any income you have lost due to your injuries.

7. Demand to Insurance Company: Once you have completed your medical treatment and our Car Wreck Attorneys have obtained all of your medical records and billing, as well as the documentation and invoices for your travel, lost income, and other related expenses, they will begin drafting a demand letter to be sent to the at fault driver and their insurance company. This letter will serve to put the insurance company on notice of the severity of your injury, your expenses, and your seriousness in

7. Negotiation with Insurance Company: When our Car Wreck Attorneys send a demand to the insurance company, the demand is time limited, giving the insurance company 30 days to respond to the offer to settle included in our demand. The insurance company will respond by either denying liability, accepting our offer, or making a new counter offer to settle – depending on the insurance companies response, this will end to a serious of negotiations that will continue until a settlement is reached or we file a lawsuit.

8. File Lawsuit: Teague Law’s car wreck Attorneys will use the information they have gathered – including the police report, your medical bills, treatment records, and other expenses – to draft and file a lawsuit against the at fault driver. We are not permitted to file the lawsuit directly against the insurance company, although the at fault driver should provide notice to the insurance company who will be liable for any award we receive.

9. Discovery: Review our other article, Discovery after a car accident lawsuit is filed, to see how discovery plays out in a car accident case.

10. Mediation: If the case has not been settled after the discovery process has been completed, the Judge will likely order the parties to attend a court mandated mediation with a certified mediator who will attempt to negotiate a settlement.

11. Trial: If your case has not settled during mediation or at some point afterward, your case will be placed on a trial calendar by the Judge to resolve the case by trial. Your Attorneys will fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve and see that justice has prevailed..

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