Sex, Drugs, & Alcohol | Age-Old Vices – Current Legal Issues

Sex, Drugs, & Alcohol:

age-old vices – current legal issues


Over the last few years we discovered that most of our Clients’ legal issues involve sex, drugs, or alcohol – not only the matters that readily come to mind – but countless other criminal and civil cases that are filed daily which involve these age-old Vices.

After recognizing the number of Clients who were facing these issues, we began to focus our practice on helping people whose lives have been turned upside down by sex, drugs, and alcohol – whether by false allegations of abuse (substance or sexual) or legal issues that resulted from addiction and impaired decision making.

In focusing our practice on these issues we have been able to devote significant time and resources to developing defenses, motions, and strategies to deal specifically with the accusations, practical ramifications, and consequences that sex, drug, and alcohol cases carry – which tend to be more severe and significant than most other cases.

At Teague Law we focus on helping good people who have been subjected to false allegations of abuse and impaired decision making from abuse of sex, drugs, and alcohol. We have represented thousands of Clients across Georgia with issues involving:

Alcohol, including: DUI, underage drinking, disorderly conduct, criminal cases caused by impaired judgment, injuries suffered in an accident where alcohol was involved, and divorce caused by a spouse’s alcoholism.


Drugs, including: DUI, possession, distribution, trafficking, manufacturing, criminal cases caused by impaired judgment, injuries caused by someone impaired by drugs, and divorce caused by one spouses’ substance abuse.

Sex, including: Rape, sexual assault, child molestation, failure to register on the sex offender registry, removal from the sex offender registry, and adultery driven divorce.

If you have had your life turned upside by false allegations of abuse or legal issues that resulted from addiction and impaired decision making, call us today to speak with an experienced Attorney who can help you turn the tide.

Contact us today at 706-276-3636

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