Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Large Truck Collisions: A Constant Threat and Common Causes.

Recent figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveal a startling statistic: in 2021, there were 523,796 large truck collisions. A significant number of these occurred under clear conditions on straight roads, primarily due to truck driver errors.

At Teague Law, our focus is on aiding your recovery and ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you’re entitled to when you have been in a truck accident. Reach out to us for a no-cost consultation with a seasoned lawyer in your locality. Meanwhile, let’s delve into the most frequent causes of truck collisions, as reported by the NHTSA and the Federal Motor Carrier Commission.


Peak Hour Traffic and Truck Collisions

In areas with heavy traffic, large trucks face increased accident risks. The NHTSA’s 2023 report highlighted that 78% of truck collisions in 2021 took place on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Factors like congestion and challenging maneuvers can exacerbate these risks, demanding heightened vigilance from truck drivers.

Impact of Weather on Truck Safety

Contrary to expectations, the majority of truck accidents occur in clear weather. The Federal Motor Carriers Commission (FMCC) data shows that in 2020, 12.8% of truck accidents happened on wet roads, and 8.6% during rain, with snow storms contributing minimally. Given their need for longer stopping distances, truck drivers must adapt to varying weather and road conditions.

Challenges of Curves and Two-Lane Roads

Curve negotiation errors are a leading cause of truck accidents. The NHTSA found that 12.2% of such accidents in 2021 involved trucks on curves. Furthermore, the FMCC states that in 2020, 47.7% of truck accidents occurred on two-lane roads, highlighting the dangers of curves on such routes.

Risks at Intersections

Four-way intersections are notably hazardous for trucks, with the FMCC reporting 17.8% of truck accidents in 2020 occurred in these zones. The complexity of wide turns and maintaining lane discipline heightens the risk in these settings.

The Importance of Proper Training

Operating a large truck safely demands specialized training, as evidenced by the requirement for a CDL license. Yet, the FMCC notes that 22% of large truck accidents in 2020 involved unlicensed drivers, underscoring the importance of proper training and licensure.

Dangers in Construction Zones

While only 4.6% of truck accidents in 2020 were in construction zones, these areas pose significant challenges due to narrow lanes and obstacles, emphasizing the need for careful navigation.

The Perils of Speeding and Distracted Driving

Speeding is a critical issue among truck drivers, with 7.3% of truck accidents in 2020 attributed to it, according to the FMCC. Additionally, distracted driving, encompassing various behaviors like using a cell phone or eating, accounted for 5.2% of truck accidents in the same year.

Consequences of Reckless Driving

Reckless driving patterns in truck drivers are alarming. The NHTSA states that nearly 20.8% of truck drivers in accidents in 2021 had previous crashes, with many also having speeding convictions or license suspensions.

The Role of Driving Under the Influence

While less prevalent than in other driver demographics, driving under the influence remains a concern in truck driving. The FMCC reports that a significant percentage of truck drivers were not tested for substances post-accident, suggesting potential underreporting in drug or alcohol involvement in truck accidents.

Your Ally in Truck Accident Cases

If you’ve been impacted by a truck accident, it’s crucial to have legal support that understands the nuances of such cases. Our team at Teague Law is dedicated to holding negligent truck drivers accountable and securing the compensation you deserve for your ordeal.

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